Aarhus Universitets segl

Der indbydes hermed til foredrag i Det Lærde Selskab

Tirsdag den 25. april 2017 kl. 19.30 – 22.00 Konference Centret, Fredrik Nielsens Vej 4, 8000 Aarhus C. Bygning 1421 I Richard Mortensen Stue

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Tirsdag 25. april 2017,  kl. 19:30 - 22:00

Aftenens tema er ”The Robotic Moment”:  a Turning Point in Human History? 

Foredragsholder er Johanna Seibt

Professor MSO, Institut for Kultur og Samfund – afdeling for Filosofi og Idehistorie http://cas.au.dk/om-instituttet/afdelinger/filosofiogidehistorie/


We are at the brink of a technological revolution—the “robot revolution”—that may have unprecedented disruptive effects on our socio-economic and socio-cultural practices. According to current predictions by 2035, a third of all jobs in Denmark will be automatized.  How will this affect us as individuals, communities, and societies?  There are obvious economic questions--if robots replace humans in the workspace, how will it affect the distribution of wealth and which socio-political repercussions can we expect? This lecture will explore some of the not-so-obvious socio-cultural and ethical questions raised especially by so-called “social” robots, i.e., robots that are designed to invite humans into social relationships as “companions,” “assistants,” or “tutors”.  Can and should we have genuine social interactions with social robots? Should we, as recently suggested by the European Parliament, consider robots as “electronic persons”, should they pay tax, have rights, and carry responsibilities?  I will suggest that we need a new conceptual framework to understand our relations with artificial agents and to assign responsibilities in the new types of interaction contexts we will be engaged in. This framework is to be fleshed out by interdisciplinary research on human-robot interactions where many scientific methods are integrated, including especially also the methods of the Humanities.  Given market pressures towards automation it is a—potentially tragic—irony that in many countries including Denmark governmental resources are transferred from the Humanities to engineering at a time when engineers around the globe have been to call for the expertise produced by Humanities research.

Efter foredraget vil der blive serveret en lille forfriskning og lidt godt til ganen.

Gratis deltagelse for medlemmer. Medlemmer kan medtage gæster til foredraget mod betaling af 75,- pr. gæst.  

Sidste tilmeldingsfrist er onsdag den 19. april 2017. Tilmelding er bindende.

Det Lærde Selskab har mange medlemmer, og for at lette administrationen med tilmeldinger og betalinger vil tilmelding til foredrag og betaling for eventuelle gæster samt betaling af kontingent fremover ske via nettet (webshop), se nedenstående link. Ved eventuelle spørgsmål, er du velkommen til at rette henvendelse til sekretær Susanne Hammer Samuelsen, mobil: 93 50 80 41. Mail: suhs@edu.au.dk

Tilmelding og eventuelt betaling foregår via webshop - (klik på linket for at komme til webshop, eller kopier linket, og sæt det ind i din browser). https://auws.au.dk/DLS_25042017

Arrangementer i E2017 er endnu ikke helt på plads, men vil blive annonceret hurtigst muligt.  

Husk at give besked, hvis du får ny e-mail.


Venlig hilsen

Lotte Rahbek Schou


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